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Tristan Jensen


By Tristan Jensen

This is a massive question for many people. Even for some who may attend church regularly. I mean, why give up your Sunday morning when you could be at the beach? Which is a huge drawcard in the Noordhoek lifestyle. Why not go shopping, mow the lawn, or enjoy a lazy lie-in at home? Why listen to a message, sing songs, and drink coffee? Often not the best coffee, if I may add.

As a pastor, I often find myself asking this question. As so the purpose of this article is to bring an introduction to a massive topic. One that I would like to unpack over a few articles. This isn't a theological framework or an apologetics-based article, it's a simple heart share, to unpack a question that so many are asking.

When I think of church and its origins, I think back to Acts 2:42-47. This was the start of the early church. It was elementary and basic, but yet so beautiful and profound in its expression. Ordinary people enjoyed listening daily to the church leader's teachings. They valued the breaking of bread and praying together. They lived sacrificially with an 'open fridge' policy. They were generous to each other and had everything in common.

Don't these traits sound inspiring? At least one or two? What I realise is that what the people of the early church had, was a strong sense of community. They weren't isolated and alone. If there's one thing I'm realising about societal culture today, it's that people don't want to be told what to do. Community is an attractive prospect, but not with accountability included.

Now what I see in the early church is a deep sense of community and love for each other. Not a controlling culture but one of genuine love for each other. When I think about the question of 'Why Church', I think about community. I think about people gathering together for a common purpose that's greater than themselves. I think about people living in authentic community and growing in their love for Christ. I see a group of people living truly free lives, prospering, but sacrificial. I see life happening in its rawness.

Church for me is about a group of people that aren't living for their own desires, but for something far greater. A see a group of people who are learning to love Jesus with all their hearts and in so doing, loving their neighbours. Ultimately I see a deep expression of God's heart.

Now I know that some of you reading this may have been deeply hurt by the 'Church'. And if that is you, know that you're not alone. Churches are made up of people, and as people, we can hurt one another. But being hurt isn't reason enough to stay away and not give it another try.

If you're in the deep South, in the Fish Hoek valley, and more specifically in Noordhoek, we'd love to welcome you to try out Sunrise Church one Sunday. No strings attached. Give us the lie-in, or push the walk on Noordhoek beach a bit earlier. It's my heart that God would reveal something so special about his heart when you visit. To find a true community.

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